
Teaching Journey: Conquering Fear.

Think of a situation in which you are afraid of failure. Visualize yourself now hitting an obstacle, allow yourself to feel the fear, and then see yourself moving forward. Next, spend a few minutes planning how to overcome whatever obstacles may stand in your way. Then see yourself succeeding despite these obstacles.

Confidence is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind. Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your confidence levels.

Today, I was invited in to do a "pep talk" to the teacher trainees of batch 2. Amazing how time flies.... I am now sharing my struggles and successes and learnings to this new group.

It felt great going back to what I was before and now looking at how I've grown as a teacher.... and a student.

I've learned so much from my Teacher Training last year and now Im sharing tips on how will you face those struggling times during your TT journey (or whatever journey you may face).  Hopefully, this blog post is a detailed one. :)

1.Breathe.... We all have our stories... I am sure you can finish every challenge in your life. Being a yogi is an advantage because you know how to breathe. Inhale... long exhales. :)

2. Always always fix your mindset. If you think negative then negative vibes will come near you and you are going to fail..... but if you are positive everything will be okay. Believe me.

3. Do Powerpose.

4. Come back to your goal... Why are you here? What's your teaching goal? What's your goal after...You've started it already what's the sense of giving up in the middle? Remember when you are about to give up... there will be always a good result at the end.. It will be all worth it.


6.  Get support group. Surround yourself with positive people... People that will help you go up the ladder. Stay connected with your students. Get energy from them.

7. Just be yourself. Show them who you are. ;) Be authentic. 

8. You cannot please everyone so... accept the criticisms, feedback... these will all make you stronger.

9. Teach what you know. Don't invent.... but remember just a thought even if you cannot do a specific pose... you can teach it. :) That's why you're there in teacher training... to learn. :) 

10. Ground down. Root down. Get energy from the earth. Honor it.

11. Take care of your body. Its a temple. Eat. You need food and water. Don't allow yourself to get injured.... i know its impossible but you have to be extra careful. REST even for few hours.

12. Study, Read, Read,.... practice, practice.. keep on practicing. Buy yoga books. Feed your mind.... Practice. Meditate. Personal practice will be a struggle now but you should make time. find time. Remember that yoga is NOT more of a workout... its more of working on what's inside of you. Let go of your issues. embrace them accept them and let them go.

13. Cry. Laugh... go crazy..... express what you feel but you have to control all of it once you are inside the yoga room. let go of your ego. ;)

14. TEACH. Show them that you are the authorized person inside of the room. If you made mistakes, missed a pose... its okay carry on. Just keep on going.. tell your dialogue. pam pam pam pam pam. change! 

15. And lastly, When you are teaching already.... It's not about you....  Imagine you are now at the heated room... and you felt fear... your students will smell it and they will never see you as teacher so don't let fear eat you up!!!! So again, It's not about you.... You have students now - Remind yourself of the same thing as a yoga teacher. People are coming to yoga class to get to a better place somehow, and they've chosen your class because they think you might help do that. They want you to succeed. They aren't coming to class to critique you. In fact, they're probably seeking your approval much more than they're deciding whether you get theirs. Make your instruction more about them than it is about you. You chose to teach so that they could practice. Speak the words that allow that to happen without fear of criticism.

16. And.... if you want start a journal. start a blog. write everything what you think, what you want.. and things to let go..........

I guess that's it. If I have more ill share it soon.

I will always be grateful to my batchmates, to my mentors, family and friends who supported me all the way. Also to Miss Dinah for inviting me in today. I also had the chance to sit in and be the guest teacher to evaluate them during their Practice Teach... Awesome experience! :)

Keep on practicing, Keep on teaching... Don't stop teaching!!!!!

Be open and hungry for learning.

Let me know if you need to talk to me.

Ill see you soon. NAMASTE. :D

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