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Flexibility not Required.

I always invite people to join me in yoga... Whether to practice and or take my classes. Seems that people are so afraid to take it because number 1 reason : "Ay, Hindi ako Flexible, Baka di ko magawa.. Wag na lang.." Or "Pang Girls lang yan eh!" That's why they don't want to try it anymore... Let me tell you that Yoga is not just about standing on our head or bending in all sorts of contorted positions. It is the uniting of body, mind, and spirit. Ultimately, yoga is about self-realization, true freedom, where the individual self merges into the universal self. (This can be deep as of now - if you're just trying yoga for your first week or month but eventually you will understand....) As long as you are breathing.... You are practicing Yoga. 

So Try it. Just show up. Whenever you're ready. Don't hesitate. I promise you... There are a lot of things to discover who you are inside and outside of your mat. Something Magical!

Here are my tips for my first timers in yoga :

1. Come to class 30 minutes before the schedule. You have to be oriented by your teacher. Know that it's not really nice to be late during your first time. 
2. Don't be scared... We all have our "first times" in life. 
3. Dress comfortably. 
4. Once you are inside the yoga room - let go of your day, stresses, worries etc.. it will not serve you inside.
5. Hydrate. Before class but no water intake 30 mins before class. Whether a hot class or a flow class or whatever style you will be attending. Drinking water during the class will not really help you at all. But still bring your water bottle inside. 
6. Rehydrate after class. Your body will need it. 
7. Don't base your opinion about your first class, second class, third... just keep on coming back and you will find the beauty of yoga. take your time.
8. Breathe.
9. Don't push yourself too hard. Yoga is not about winning... There is no competition here. Remember this is just your first time, so just start where you are and be gentle to yourself.
10. Have Fun!

It doesn't matter what you wear, what's your age, what is your gender, what's your height, what's your weight.. Or if you can touch your toes or not and all of the reasons in the world that can stop you doing / trying out yoga. For me, Yoga is an amazing gift. There's a lot of magic in it! Yoga is for everyone. Yoga is for everybody... Know that Yoga has no judgements and expectations..

I'll see you soon. Namaste! ;)


You can go to a studio or have a home practice.
Of course if in a studio I recommend where I teach and learned what is yoga.
For class schedules and rates please visit-
@yogaplusph on IG, Twitter and FB.

If you want a home practice or privates and it will be led by yours truly.
Please contact me through email carinasilerio@gmail.com

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